Provides intensive hydration, prevents acne breakout, reduces hyperpigmentation and replenishes nutrients for healthy glowing skin....

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Provides intensive hydration and replenishes nutrients to strengthen skin against harmful bacteria and gives it...

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Hydra B5+ Skin Hydration Gel

$385.00 HK$308.00

Provides intensive hydration, replenishes nutrients and restores youth and firmness to skin. It regenerates collagen...

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Provides intensive hydration to the skin, diminishes inflammation and promotes tissue repair at the same...

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Provides intensive hydration, reinforces skin’s innate immunity against acne, and offers anti-bacterial, anti-inflammatory, and antioxidant...

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Provides intensive hydration, repairs damage to skin cells caused by pigmentation or acne, regenerates skin...

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Hydra Repair Skin Repair Gel

$460.00 HK$230.00

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A light, oil-free Hyaluronic Acid gel that seals in moisture, regenerates youthful complexion, brightens skin...

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Pure Rose Water Hydration Mist A gentle and calming hydration mist containing pure rose water (99.9%)...

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Pure Rose Water Hydration Mist

$255.00 HK$216.80