News & Offers
Summer Specials ~ Hydra B5+ Half Price Redemption
Cellbone's Hydra B5+ Skin Hydration Gel provides intensive hydration and replenishes nutrients to strengthen skin against harmful bacteria and gives it healthy vibrance. Contains high potency Hyaluronic Acid, Hydra B5+ binds vital moisture to skin deep and recaptures its elasticity, leaving it ultra supple and smooth. Now you may redeem Cellbone's popular Hydra B5+ Skin Hydration Gel at special discounted price while stock lasts!
Hydra B5+ Skin Hydration Gel (30ml) originally HK$330 now redeem at HK$165 with purchase of at least one Cellbone product (redeemable at Shopping Cart Page)
Terms & Conditions
Offer valids from 26 Jun 2015 ~ 31 Jul 2015
Valid at Cellbone Specialty Stores, Cellbone Hong Kong Online, and Manning's Cellbone Counters
Not to be used in conjuction with any other offers
買左杏仁酸精華及加錢半價換左B5 gel, 請問係咪用左精華先, 等佢乾左再用B5 Gel? 同埋, 我覺得杏仁酸精華比較水狀, 其實係咪響出油/粒粒比較多既位置用多少少分量呢?